So, it's been a while. I get lazy about these things, I'm sorry. Plus there wasnt much to say....
That's a lie actually. There's been quite a bit.
I think we told you about how we started planting stuff?
Well, we did. And even better. That stuff is, wait for is....growing. Yes I did say growing. Because that's what everything is doing.
We have lettuce, beetroot, radish, tomato, and even a little bit of carrot starting to come up. Our potatos are on their way aswell. We're gonna be planting peas and beans as soon as we get back after Easter. It's just amazing. I dont have any photos to show you at the moment, but if you check on the Facebook later today or next week we should have something for you to show what we've grown.
On to other news, which is mostly what I wanna talk to you about.
Our Babies.
You obviously think I'm insane saying babies, and then telling you I dont mean the things growing in the garden. That I actually mean....Sunflowers?
Why are they the "babies" as you called them you ask?
Well, these four sunflowers are the babies for a few resons. Mostly because for the past three weeks, under the wonderful care of myselfm (Katie) and my sister when the Ty's aren't about. We have been watering and careing for the most beautiful little sunflowers you've ever seen.
But here's the thing.
We brought them outside today. And the thing is, inside they looked so big, sitting on the window sill. And now, oh god, they look so pitiful. I'll be worrying about them for the next three weeks. :/
Anyway, I think that's all I have to say at the moment. Talk to ye all later.
Hugs and honeybunches.