Big news for y'all today. I do I do I do.
It's 44ft 10in long. And bang on (Mr Gleesons phrase, not mine) four foot wide....
So, that means, Charlotte, as she seems the one who will be most able to talk on a phone, I get all tongue tied and confused, (actually that always happens to me, you should see me in a class answering a question) when I'm on the phone. So, we're going to ring and order the soil(I had been calling it "dirt" but that's not going down so well with Team Learder Charlotte *salutes for no apparent reason*) in a couple of days. And then next Wednesday, me, and the team. And Mr Gleeson I imagine, maybe. Are going to fill the box.
Old clothes and spades for all.
(God I'm gonna look silly Wednesday moring on the bus to school.)
I cant wait.
More pressingly though. So, the box got built today, so we obvsiously had to have something of a photo shoot. Mr Gleeson brought us all, (Charlotte, Alex, Nicole, Lisa and Tara, Erica, Malwina, and Andrea? I think thats us. Sorry if I forgot you ><) down to the box, and of course, what'd be the first thing I have to do?
Step into the box, and pretend to be a carrot. ^^,
I'm insane, there's sllim to nil anybody can do about that. And I really hope nobody every does try.
So we got some pictures taken, all of us standing in the box (not pretending to be plants) taken by Mr Gleeson and then it was back upstairs, for class and stuff.
I hear you ask:
What comes next?
Well, most immideatly will be the filling the Monster Box. Then we'll decorate it (tastefully) and start to focus on our awareness campaign since we cant start planting just yet.
Anyway dears, that's me done for now. Talk soon,