Hello all in the world of blogging,
Katie here. Just updating you on all that is happening in the world, of well, whatever world it is in which we live.
We had a meeting, of sorts, today. Mr Gleeson, got our class into our two groups. And then, we discussed things. But, that's skipping ahead. Other things happened today. For starters, Alex, she brought in this little tub, in which people may deposit money. Yanno, donations and the likes. She also colored in the first poster, it looks amazing. And has all our little contact details on it. Which, you may find, a little lower down the page. And, Mr Gleeson, he's getting them printed out, in all theri colorful glory.
So anyway, moving on to our "meeting", well, it wasnt much. We didnt decide on much that we didint know already. Although, apperently we've, and when I say we, I mean, not me.( I've noticed I really dont do as much as others. Or, maybe I'm just belittleing what I do for the group.) Regardless, we've gotton a hold of some free seeds, for planting. I would say thankyou to the place that supplied them. But I'm not sure of the shop's name. But you can probably find that out from one of the others.
Now, at the meeting, I keep straying off this, but this time I'm determined to keep to the plot.
At the meeting:
We made a lovely list of what our
Aims and
Objectives are, it took us a bit to figure out what an objective is exactly. But we managed in the end. We also figured out exactly what days we will be meeting on, and from when to when, we have two seperate meeting days, because some people can't make it Friday, and others cant make it Wednesday.
So our new meeting times are as follows:
Wednesday: 3:35 - 4:35 (or there abouts)
Friday: 1:00 - 2:00 (or there abouts)
We also, had Mr Gleeson giving us advice, though, I cant remember half of it at this stage. I do remember him however telling us two things, the first, we need to get advice about doing this, and we should definatly get advice from somebody with a beard. I'm not sure his reasoning behind that....but whatever floats yer boat sir. The other thing he said, was that he's gonna be taking a look on here today. So I was like.
O.o would be an appropriate way to describe how I was feeling on the inside..... But honestly, I dont think there's anything that bad on here. So, did anything else happen today at the "meeting", I dont really think so, anf I've just noticed how long this is.
So without saying much more.
See yis.