Friday, October 22, 2010


Green day was a big success. We raised about 200 eu and we all had a great day :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another day of hard work. :) Well done girls

Ohaii Blogosphere

I know there's probably a better way of putting these things. But that's what I'm sticking with. So anyway.

Today we did some awesome cool stuff. We've raised like, €75, jsut by selling bracelets alone. And Green Day is on Friday. And we figure we might get about €250 -€300, cause I just know not everybody will bring in the money, they never do. And then we have to split half the money with the Waste Group. But whatever. I dont care.

So our "meeting" today, well it only kinda happened. There were no actual meetings. We jsut hung up posters and shizz. Which brings me to the main topic of discussion, which is, what we actually did today.

We, had art, as we always do on a Wednesday afternoon. And as we're in the midst of these awesome projects, Mr Coyle, (art teacher, he has a beard and is an expert on gardening, also Hi!)

So he let us make posters. And we did. Two HUGE ones, they're like, four sheets, that are double A4 size. So like, A4 x 2 x 4? Quite large in other words. One of them says, GREEN DAY and the other says, Lets make our School Green. Yes, I know, so inventive. But we are. And then the Green Day one has a pretty picture, with flowers and grass and such. And the other one has lotsa words. Telling everybody what we hope to do in the foocher.

Anyway, I think that's about all I have to say at the moment. Someone else will be updating on Friday, as I'm off to Naas for the weekend. But, I'll talk to y'all soon, and bye I guess.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Dis be us....

Okay, from Left to Right,

Front Row:
Katie (Me)

Front Row:

So now you all know who's who. :)

Hello again to all our friends.

Well, it's been a while. Sorry about that, but I was away at the weekend. As you can see, we have a big picture of all of us at the top of the page. (I'm the ginger one.)

Anyway, down to business.

There's not much to be said. We've not had a meeting yet this week. But I suppose there are a couple things to report. We're selling friendship bracelets in the school. One for €1.50, but you can get two for €2.00. Reasonable enough when one considers how much effort goes into making them. They come in various lenghts, colors, and theres a few different ways they can be constructed. Theres pictures below. In their lovely box. (Note to Self: Has Mr Gleeson bought one? >_> Find out...)

And then the other news is. We're having Green Day on Friday. No not the band, (unfortunatly). It's basically a no-uniform day. But you have to wear at least one green item of clothing. Like, a green top. Of you can wear like, a green bracelet, or hairband. Or even green glasses (I'm covered there.).

So, I think that's really all the news I have for you today. I imagine there will be more news on Wednesday, once we've had our first meeting of the week.

Ah yes, one last thing. Anybody want to sponsor us? We'd really love it, actually, we really need it also. But lets not say anything about that.

So, with that I bid you all,

P.S. Shuddup and lemme see your jazz hands. :L
And sorry about the Barney bit at the top.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Make sure you get someone with a beard........

Hello all in the world of blogging,

Katie here. Just updating you on all that is happening in the world, of well, whatever world it is in which we live.

We had a meeting, of sorts, today. Mr Gleeson, got our class into our two groups. And then, we discussed things. But, that's skipping ahead. Other things happened today. For starters, Alex, she brought in this little tub, in which people may deposit money. Yanno, donations and the likes. She also colored in the first poster, it looks amazing. And has all our little contact details on it. Which, you may find, a little lower down the page. And, Mr Gleeson, he's getting them printed out, in all theri colorful glory.

So anyway, moving on to our "meeting", well, it wasnt much. We didnt decide on much that we didint know already. Although, apperently we've, and when I say we, I mean, not me.( I've noticed I really dont do as much as others. Or, maybe I'm just belittleing what I do for the group.) Regardless, we've gotton a hold of some free seeds, for planting. I would say thankyou to the place that supplied them. But I'm not sure of the shop's name. But you can probably find that out from one of the others.

Now, at the meeting, I keep straying off this, but this time I'm determined to keep to the plot.

At the meeting:

We made a lovely list of what our Aims and Objectives are, it took us a bit to figure out what an objective is exactly. But we managed in the end. We also figured out exactly what days we will be meeting on, and from when to when, we have two seperate meeting days, because some people can't make it Friday, and others cant make it Wednesday.

So our new meeting times are as follows:

Wednesday:     3:35 - 4:35 (or there abouts)
 Friday:            1:00 - 2:00 (or there abouts)

We also, had Mr Gleeson giving us advice, though, I cant remember half of it at this stage. I do remember him however telling us two things, the first, we need to get advice about doing this, and we should definatly get advice from somebody with a beard. I'm not sure his reasoning behind that....but whatever floats yer boat sir. The other thing he said, was that he's gonna be taking a look on here today. So I was like.

O.o would be an appropriate way to describe how I was feeling on the inside..... But honestly, I dont think there's anything that bad on here. So, did anything else happen today at the "meeting", I dont really think so, anf I've just noticed how long this is.

So without saying much more.
See yis.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Contact us?

So my dears, we figured, it'd be awesome to have a load of different ways to contact us. To ask us questions. To find out how things are getting on. Obviously, you have this, our Blogger account. But aswell, we have Twitter, and Facebook, and an email account. And over time. Probably more. Soooo here are all the details. Contact us, follow us. You know what I'm sayin'.

Blogger: Yer already there. :L

Basically, you can contact us, whenever, where ever, and pretty much, how ever you like. So we better be hearing from you!!!!

Das all for now kids. Talk cha later.

So, who are we, and why are we here?

Well, that's fairly easily explained.

Who are we?

"We" are a group of students, all in Transition (4th) Year, at St. Josephs Secondary School, Stanhope Street. in Dublin, Ireland. That's putting it simply. To go into detail, there's about 11 of us, there's:
Charlotte, Nicole and Alexandra- our team leaders.
Then you got the rest of us.
Tara and Lisa - they're twins.
and, you have me (Katie)
There's also our Year Head, Mr Gleeson, but he's not really gonna be helping out much.

Why are we here?

We are here, well, simply because, we want to raise awareness. About the lack of green space in, and around Dublin, specifically our school. And we want to teach people about growing their own Vegetables, and how easy it is. We want to teach them about how much food people waste, and how more and more of our food is being imported from other countries when it could easily be grown right here in our own back yards.

Das all for now. Expect more soon.
- Katie.